The Importance of Being (Honest)

The Importance of Being Honest I 120 x 50 x 60cm I stone and wire I Jalovik 2017





The Importance of Being Honest, stone, wire, Mihaela Vujnovic, JLK 2017



The sculpture was made as the ultimate combination of the material gathered from around the Jalovik Art Colony – stone, wire, and plastics. The work came as a reaction to the situation in which artists/participants, having found themselves outside of their daily routine and the settled mediums in which they express themselves, let themselves enter a time-limited isolation and freedom which in turn also open the door to honesty, both in work and in everyday communication related to work. As a result, the exhibited artwork asks and puts to the spectator the questions such as: where am I going, what am I doing, what do I want, and – who am I? The key to the questions and to interpreting the work is, as the title of the works suggests, in honesty.